


Trying to forgive someone when you haven’t tended to your own needs ties you up in knots more often than not.

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A few weeks ago I was leaving the parking garage of the grocery store near my house when I saw a flash of a neon yellow safety vest out of the corner of my eye. Before I could react, the man wearing it stopped himself from dashing out in front of me. I kept on rolling...

Discovering Beauty in the Ordinary

Discovering Beauty in the Ordinary

Yesterday morning I was fixing breakfast when I happened to look over to the glass doors that lead out to my back deck. And wow. My head snapped up and I was captivated by the glory of the sky over my neighbor's house. Deep reds and oranges and purples. There is...

Thickening My Stories

Thickening My Stories

Some years ago I worked with Dr. Lani Peterson, a storyteller and psychologist I met through the Healing Story Alliance.  Dr. Peterson created a program called Story XChange. One of the key premises of that program is a concept she calls “thin stories.” These are the...


